Show Dear Analytics Table Definitions
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The schema here does not currently show it, but both the Zoho and Postgresql tables have relationships between GUID fields.Contents
Table name: sales_fact
Table description: Based on authorised invoice lines; this table should agree with the data in Xero or QBO
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
order_guid | PLAIN | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
task_id | PLAIN | Invoice task id (guid unique to invoice header) |
document_modified | DATE | |
customer_guid | PLAIN | |
transaction_date | DATE | invoice date. A date with no timezone |
inv_due_date | DATE | Invoice due date, A date with no timezone |
product_guid | PLAIN | Note: This field will show the line description for ad-hoc additional charges (which do not have a real product ID) |
line_description | PLAIN | |
revenue_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | quantity which affects revenue accounts (invoice or credited amount) |
dropship_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | this is included in revenue quantity, not in addition to it |
movement_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | quantity which affects inventory accounts (shipments or returns) |
transaction_type | PLAIN | |
order_reference | PLAIN | |
global_sale_status | PLAIN | see Dear API reference |
document_reference | PLAIN | |
document_currency | PLAIN | |
unit_before_discount | CURRENCY | unit price in document currency before discount, , always tax exclusive |
unit_net | CURRENCY | unit price in document currency after discount, always tax exclusive |
tax_rule | PLAIN | inclusive or exclusive on the order, but tax is never included in revenue or unit prices |
unit_tax | CURRENCY | Unit tax (document currency) |
warehouse | PLAIN | order header location, not the location of the pick |
sales_rep | PLAIN | sales rep, from the order header |
unit_cogs_average_cost | CURRENCY | average cost price in base currency at the time of the sales order |
unit_cogs_actual | CURRENCY | actual cost price in base currency. Only available if there is a shipment |
unit_cogs_best_available | CURRENCY | is actual cost if available, else average cost |
document_exrate | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
revenue_account | PLAIN | |
cogs_account | PLAIN | Not available at present |
base_currency | PLAIN | |
attribute1 | PLAIN | |
attribute2 | PLAIN | |
attribute3 | PLAIN | |
attribute4 | PLAIN | |
attribute5 | PLAIN | |
attribute6 | PLAIN | |
attribute7 | PLAIN | |
attribute8 | PLAIN | |
attribute9 | PLAIN | |
attribute10 | PLAIN | |
shipping_company_name | PLAIN | |
shipping_addr1 | PLAIN | |
shipping_addr2 | PLAIN | |
shipping_postalcode | PLAIN | |
shipping_region | PLAIN | |
shipping_town | PLAIN | |
shipping_country | PLAIN | |
year_month_currency | PLAIN | |
line_revenue_base_currency | CURRENCY | Line revenue in base currency, without tax |
line_cogs_base_currency | CURRENCY | Actual cost if available else average cost |
line_margin_base_currency | CURRENCY | Line margin in base currency, based on actual cogs if available, else average cogs. |
line_estimated_invoice_margin | CURRENCY | Identical to line_margin_base_currency, present for historical reasons |
cogs_source | PLAIN | Source of margin: AverageCost or Actual |
Table name: sales_lines_lifecycle
Table description: Shows the lifecycle status of lines on the sales order: quantity and value picked, shipped, invoiced etc
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
order_guid | PLAIN | |
order_reference | PLAIN | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
line_type | PLAIN | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
sku | PLAIN | |
quoted_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
ordered_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
shipped_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | dropships are included in this total |
shipped_with_tracking_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
in_fulfilment_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | The qty is in auth picking but not yet auth shipped |
not_yet_processed_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Has not entered auth picking |
not_yet_shipped_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | not yet shipped or dropshipped |
never_to_be_fulfilled_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | If a back order is cancelled because the order is marked as Fulfilled |
invoiced_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
drop_ship_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
credited_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
returned_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Not implemented yet |
avg_unit_price_base | CURRENCY | |
quoted_basecur | CURRENCY | |
ordered_basecur | CURRENCY | |
shipped_basecur | CURRENCY | valued at order price, not cogs, so that is is comparable |
shipped_with_tracking_basecur | CURRENCY | |
in_fulfilment_basecur | CURRENCY | |
not_yet_processed_basecur | CURRENCY | quantity which has not even started fulfilment |
not_yet_shipped_basecur | CURRENCY | The counts drop-shipped qty as shipped |
never_to_be_fulfilled_basecur | CURRENCY | Will not be fulfilled as the order is marked as closed |
invoiced_basecur | CURRENCY | |
drop_ship_basecur | CURRENCY | |
actual_cogs_per_unit | CURRENCY | |
avg_cost_per_unit | CURRENCY | At the time this row was last updated: this nbr can change |
unit_cogs_best_available | CURRENCY | Actual COGS if available, otherwise average cost |
cogs_source | PLAIN | Source of margin: AverageCost or Actual |
credited_basecur | CURRENCY | |
returned_basecur | CURRENCY | Not implemented yet |
Table name: sales_order_inventory_transactions
Table description: Inventory movements by date and value associated with the sales order, for detailed revenue and cogs analysis. Covers orders, shipments, credit notes and restocks
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
order_guid | PLAIN | |
order_reference | PLAIN | dear sale order number |
document_reference | PLAIN | invoice or credit note number |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
transaction_type | PLAIN | |
transaction_date | DATE | Date, No timezone |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
account | PLAIN | |
quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
signed_revenue_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | positive means invoice, negative is a credit, |
signed_inventory_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | positive means shipment (decrease in inventory value), negative is a return. Adjustments such as landed costs are included too. The quantity is not a physical movement qty, but an accounting quantity. |
unit_value_base | CURRENCY | |
rev_unit_value_base | CURRENCY | The unit cost if this transaction affects a revenue-style/AR account |
cogs_unit_value_base | CURRENCY | The unit costs if this transaction affects the value of inventory/cogs |
rev_line_value_base | CURRENCY | The line cost if this transaction affects a revenue-style/AR account |
cogs_line_value_base | CURRENCY | The line costs if this transaction affects the value of inventory/cogs |
Table name: sales_shipments
Table description: Information specifically about shipments, similar to the sales_order_inventory_transactions table, but only for shipments
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
order_guid | PLAIN | |
order_reference | PLAIN | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
shipment_date | DATE | DateTime, no timezone |
shipment_carrier | PLAIN | The carrier used on the shipment line |
shipping_notes | PLAIN | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
warehouse | PLAIN | |
warehouse_guid | PLAIN | |
fulfilment_nbr | NUMBER | |
box | PLAIN | |
shipment_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
cogs | CURRENCY | |
cogs_date | DATE | Date field, no timezone |
shipped_value_base | CURRENCY | |
task_id | PLAIN | Invoice task id (guid unique to invoice header) |
base_currency | PLAIN |
Table name: dear_sales_header
Table description: Sales Header data
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
order_guid | PLAIN | |
global_sale_status | PLAIN | SO Header Sale Status, see Available Sale Statues |
order_status | PLAIN | Sale Order status, one of NOT AVAILABLE,DRAFT,AUTHORISED,VOIDED,AUTH_NO_ALLOC,FULFILLED,CLOSED. See Available Order Statuses at |
combined_picking_status | PLAIN | Possible Values are VOIDED, NOT AVAILABLE, PICKED, PICKING , NOT PICKED , PARTIALLY PICKED |
combined_packing_status | PLAIN | Possible Values are VOIDED, NOT AVAILABLE, PACKED, PACKING, NOT PACKED, PARTIALLY PACKED |
combined_invoice_status | PLAIN | Possible Values are VOIDED, DRAFT, AUTHORISED, NOT AVAILABLE, PAID |
combined_tracking_numbers | PLAIN | |
order_reference | PLAIN | Sale Order Number |
sale_order_date | DATE | Date when order was created (no timezone) |
document_modified | DATE | |
customer_guid | PLAIN | |
sales_rep | PLAIN | |
source_channel | PLAIN | Source of the order |
document_currency | PLAIN | |
document_exrate | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
base_currency | PLAIN | |
warehouse | PLAIN | |
order_memo | MULTI_LINE | |
sale_note | MULTI_LINE | |
sale_contact | PLAIN | |
sale_contact_phone | PLAIN | |
sale_contact_email | PLAIN | |
order_type | PLAIN | |
attribute_set | PLAIN | |
attribute1 | PLAIN | |
attribute2 | PLAIN | |
attribute3 | PLAIN | |
attribute4 | PLAIN | |
attribute5 | PLAIN | |
attribute6 | PLAIN | |
attribute7 | PLAIN | |
attribute8 | PLAIN | |
attribute9 | PLAIN | |
attribute10 | PLAIN | |
ship_by | DATE | Date, no timezone provided |
customer_reference | PLAIN | |
quoted_total_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Includes everything |
quoted_total_incl_tax_base | CURRENCY | Includes everything |
ordered_total_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Includes everything on the order |
ordered_total_incl_tax_base | CURRENCY | Includes everything on the order |
ordered_stock_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Only stock items are included, no additional charges, no non-inventory items, but drop ship items are included |
ordered_stock_incl_tax_base | CURRENCY | Only stock items are included, no additional charges, no non-inventory items, but drop ship items are included |
invoiced_total_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Includes everything on the invoice |
invoiced_total_incl_tax_base | CURRENCY | Includes everything on the invoice |
credited_total_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Includes everything on the CN |
credited_total_incl_tax_base | CURRENCY | Includes everything on the CN |
paid_total_base | CURRENCY | Payments can't be split by item type, so payment will include additional charges and non-inventory items |
paid_total_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Estimated tax is excluded from this total to make it more comparable with the other values, but it is total payment including for non-inventory items and additional charges and including tax |
shipped_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | At selling price, not cogs, so it is comparable with the other columns. Drop shipped items are valued as fully shipped |
refunded_total_base | CURRENCY | |
refunded_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | |
prepayment_total_incl_tax_base | CURRENCY | Deposit paid on the quote (incl tax). |
prepayment_total_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Deposit paid on the quote (estimated tax removed for comaparison) |
prepayment_applied_incl_tax_base | CURRENCY | If the customer credit accounts is setup in Dear Instance Settings, this records payments made using customer credits, including deposits |
prepayment_applied_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Records payments made using customer credits, including deposits (estimated tax removed for comparison) |
in_fulfilment_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Covers orders with an authorised pick (or pack) but not yet shipped. Only stock items are included, no additional charges, no non-inventory items |
dear_url | URL | This URL takes you to the Dear order, as long as you are logged into Dear |
backorder_analysis_url | URL | This URL takes you a GrowthPath backorder and fulfilment summary of the order |
shipping_company_name | PLAIN | |
shipping_addr1 | PLAIN | |
shipping_addr2 | PLAIN | |
shipping_postalcode | PLAIN | |
shipping_region | PLAIN | |
shipping_town | PLAIN | |
shipping_country | PLAIN | |
shipping_notes | PLAIN | |
sale_carrier | PLAIN | |
billing_addr1 | PLAIN | |
billing_addr2 | PLAIN | |
billing_postalcode | PLAIN | |
billing_region | PLAIN | |
billing_town | PLAIN | |
billing_country | PLAIN |
Table name: sales_order_payments
Table description: Payments and deposits (prepayments) known to Dear for sales orders
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
order_guid | PLAIN | |
order_reference | PLAIN | |
doc_guid | PLAIN | GUID of the Task, ie the Invoice or Credit Note |
doc_number | PLAIN | Document number of the Task, ie the Invoice or Credit Note |
payment_guid | PLAIN | |
payment_type | PLAIN | Prepayment,InvoicePayment,Refund |
payment_reference | PLAIN | |
payment_amount | CURRENCY | |
payment_date | DATE | No timezone |
payment_account | PLAIN | |
base_currency | PLAIN | |
payment_currency | PLAIN | |
payment_exrate | DECIMAL_NUMBER |
Table name: sales_order_lines
Table description: Sales order lines, including for draft orders and orders which are not yet invoiced
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
order_guid | PLAIN | |
order_reference | PLAIN | |
document_exrate | DECIMAL_NUMBER | From PO Header |
document_modified | DATE | |
document_currency | PLAIN | |
base_currency | PLAIN | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
line_type | PLAIN | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
description | PLAIN | |
order_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
comment | PLAIN | |
backorder_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
line_average_cost | CURRENCY | Average cost (doc currency) used by Dear to estimate margin before picking |
unit_price_before_discount | CURRENCY | |
unit_price_net | CURRENCY | |
unit_actual_cogs_base_cur | CURRENCY | Actual cogs (base cur) based on shipment, averaged across all shipments, if no shipments, then 0 |
unit_average_cost_base_cur | CURRENCY | Average cost (base cur) |
unit_cogs_best_available | CURRENCY | Actual COGS if available, otherwise average cost |
cogs_source | PLAIN | Source of margin: AverageCost or Actual |
line_total | CURRENCY | |
line_tax_total | CURRENCY | |
unit_price_before_discount_base_cur | CURRENCY | |
unit_price_net_base_cur | CURRENCY | |
line_total_base_cur | CURRENCY | |
line_tax_total_base_cur | CURRENCY | |
line_estimated_order_margin_base_cur | CURRENCY | |
line_tax_rule | PLAIN | |
dropship | BOOLEAN |
Table name: dear_customer
Table description:
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
document_modified | DATE | |
customer_guid | PLAIN | |
customer_name | PLAIN | |
status | PLAIN | |
tags | PLAIN | |
payment_term | PLAIN | Customer default payment term |
customer_sales_rep | PLAIN | Customer default sales rep |
price_tier | PLAIN | Customer default price tier |
location | PLAIN | Customer default location |
discount | PLAIN | Customer default discount |
comments | PLAIN | Customer comments (2000 chars) |
carrier | PLAIN | Customer default carrier |
credit_limit | NUMBER | value of 0 means no credit limit |
is_on_credit_hold | BOOLEAN | True if customer is on credit hold |
tax_rule | PLAIN | |
tax_number | PLAIN | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
attribute_set | PLAIN | |
cust_attribute1 | PLAIN | |
cust_attribute2 | PLAIN | |
cust_attribute3 | PLAIN | |
cust_attribute4 | PLAIN | |
cust_attribute5 | PLAIN | |
cust_attribute6 | PLAIN | |
cust_attribute7 | PLAIN | |
cust_attribute8 | PLAIN | |
cust_attribute9 | PLAIN | |
cust_attribute10 | PLAIN |
Table name: dear_customer_addresses
Table description:
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
address_guid | PLAIN | |
customer_guid | PLAIN | |
line1 | PLAIN | |
line2 | PLAIN | |
city | PLAIN | |
state | PLAIN | |
postcode | PLAIN | |
country | PLAIN | Must be an ISO standard country name |
type | PLAIN | |
default_for_type | BOOLEAN |
Table name: dear_customer_contacts
Table description:
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
contact_guid | PLAIN | |
customer_guid | PLAIN | |
name | PLAIN | |
phone | PLAIN | |
mobile_phone | PLAIN | |
fax | PLAIN | |
PLAIN | ||
website | PLAIN | |
comment | PLAIN | |
default | BOOLEAN | |
include_in_email | BOOLEAN |
Table name: product_movements
Table description: All stock movements with quantity and date
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
document_modified | DATE | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
movement_type | PLAIN | |
movement_taskid | PLAIN | Link to the source documents, such as a PO |
movement_date | DATE | No timezone |
movement_number | PLAIN | A document reference, such as a sales order number |
movement_status | PLAIN | Currently documented in the API but not used by Dear |
quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | This is a signed number, > 0 means increase in SOH |
location | PLAIN | Name of the location, not the ID |
batch_sn | PLAIN | |
expiry_date | DATE | No timezone |
from_to | PLAIN | |
amount | CURRENCY | Base currency value of the transaction |
Table name: dear_customer_tag
Table description:
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
document_modified | DATE | |
customer_guid | PLAIN | |
source_dear | PLAIN | Link to Dear instance which is the source of the data |
tag_value | PLAIN |
Table name: dear_location
Table description: Dear Locations (that is, warehouses, not bins)
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
location_guid | PLAIN | |
location_name | PLAIN | |
deprecated | BOOLEAN | True means Deprecated (not active) |
Table name: dear_product
Table description:
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
document_modified | DATE | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
product_guid_dup1 | PLAIN | |
product_guid_dup2 | PLAIN | |
product_guid_dup3 | PLAIN | |
type | PLAIN | |
sku | PLAIN | |
product_name | PLAIN | |
product_category | PLAIN | |
brand | PLAIN | |
average_cost | CURRENCY | |
tags | PLAIN | |
uom | PLAIN | |
status | PLAIN | same value as Dear Status |
default_supplier_guid | PLAIN | Default supplier |
costing_method | PLAIN | |
default_location | PLAIN | |
barcode | PLAIN | |
stock_locator | PLAIN | |
purchase_tax_rule | PLAIN | |
sale_tax_rule | PLAIN | |
weight | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
weight_units | PLAIN | |
attribute_set | PLAIN | |
prod_attribute1 | PLAIN | |
prod_attribute2 | PLAIN | |
prod_attribute3 | PLAIN | |
prod_attribute4 | PLAIN | |
prod_attribute5 | PLAIN | |
prod_attribute6 | PLAIN | |
prod_attribute7 | PLAIN | |
prod_attribute8 | PLAIN | |
prod_attribute9 | PLAIN | |
prod_attribute10 | PLAIN | |
price_tier1 | CURRENCY | |
price_tier2 | CURRENCY | |
price_tier3 | CURRENCY | |
price_tier4 | CURRENCY | |
price_tier5 | CURRENCY | |
price_tier6 | CURRENCY | |
price_tier7 | CURRENCY | |
price_tier8 | CURRENCY | |
price_tier9 | CURRENCY | |
price_tier10 | CURRENCY | |
carton_length | CURRENCY | |
carton_width | CURRENCY | |
carton_height | CURRENCY | |
carton_quantity | CURRENCY | |
carton_inner_quantity | CURRENCY |
Table name: dear_supplier_product
Table description:
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
supplier_guid | PLAIN | |
supplier_sku | PLAIN | |
supplier_product_name | PLAIN | |
currency | PLAIN | |
latest_purchase_cost | CURRENCY | |
fixed_cost | CURRENCY | |
last_supplied | DATE |
Table name: dear_product_family
Table description:
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
product_family_guid | PLAIN | |
document_modified | DATE | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
family_name | PLAIN | |
short_description | PLAIN | |
family_option1_name | PLAIN | |
family_option1_value | PLAIN | |
family_option2_name | PLAIN | |
family_option2_value | PLAIN | |
family_option3_name | PLAIN | |
family_option3_value | PLAIN |
Table name: dear_metadata
Table description: Dear Company Name: this table is useful if you have multiple Dear instances in the GrowthPath Analytics Connector
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | Link to Dear instance which is the source of the data |
dear_company_name | PLAIN | |
last_update | DATE | |
base_currency_code | PLAIN | Three character currency code |
Table name: dear_product_availability
Table description: Product availability from Dear, plus hard allocations (qty reserved for a specfic order)
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
id_product_availability | MULTI_LINE | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
sku | PLAIN | |
name | PLAIN | |
barcode | PLAIN | |
location | PLAIN | This is the location name, forced to uppercase |
bin | PLAIN | |
batch | PLAIN | |
expiry_date | DATE | A Date field (no timezone) |
onhand | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Quantity on hand |
allocated | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Quantity allocated |
hard_allocated | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Quantity locked to an authorised pick |
available | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Quantity available |
in_transit | DECIMAL_NUMBER | In-transit (between locations) |
onorder | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Quantity on an authorised PO |
stockonhand_base_currency | CURRENCY | value of stock on hand, base currency |
Table name: dear_product_tag
Table description:
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
document_modified | DATE | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
tag_value | PLAIN |
Table name: dear_supplier
Table description:
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
document_modified | DATE | |
supplier_guid | PLAIN | |
supplier_name | PLAIN | |
status | PLAIN | |
tags | PLAIN | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
attribute_set | PLAIN | |
supplier_attribute1 | PLAIN | |
supplier_attribute2 | PLAIN | |
supplier_attribute3 | PLAIN | |
supplier_attribute4 | PLAIN | |
supplier_attribute5 | PLAIN | |
supplier_attribute6 | PLAIN | |
supplier_attribute7 | PLAIN | |
supplier_attribute8 | PLAIN | |
supplier_attribute9 | PLAIN | |
supplier_attribute10 | PLAIN |
Table name: dear_po_header
Table description: Purchase Order header
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
order_guid | PLAIN | |
drop_ship_sale_guid | PLAIN | |
global_purchase_status | PLAIN | PO Header status |
combined_receiving_status | PLAIN | |
combined_invoice_status | PLAIN | |
combined_payment_status | PLAIN | |
order_number | PLAIN | |
order_date | DATE | Date field when PO was created, no timezone |
order_memo | MULTI_LINE | |
blind_receipt | BOOLEAN | |
dear_url | URL | This URL takes you to the Dear purchase order, as long as you are logged into Dear |
po_note | MULTI_LINE | |
required_by_date | DATE | Date field, no timezone |
document_modified | DATE | |
supplier_guid | PLAIN | |
document_currency | PLAIN | |
terms | PLAIN | |
contact | PLAIN | |
document_exrate | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
base_currency | PLAIN | |
warehouse | PLAIN | |
attribute_set | PLAIN | |
attribute1 | PLAIN | |
attribute2 | PLAIN | |
attribute3 | PLAIN | |
attribute4 | PLAIN | |
attribute5 | PLAIN | |
attribute6 | PLAIN | |
attribute7 | PLAIN | |
attribute8 | PLAIN | |
attribute9 | PLAIN | |
attribute10 | PLAIN | |
ordered_total_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
ordered_total_incl_tax_base | CURRENCY | Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
invoiced_total_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
invoiced_total_incl_tax_base | CURRENCY | Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
credited_total_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
credited_total_incl_tax_base | CURRENCY | Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
paid_total_base | CURRENCY | This includes tax. Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
deposits_total_base | CURRENCY | This includes tax. Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
deposits_applied_base | CURRENCY | This includes tax. Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
refunded_total_base | CURRENCY | includes tax. Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
received_total_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | Received and Put Away. Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
never_to_be_received_total_ex_tax_base | CURRENCY | If PO is marked as received, this is what was cancelled. Translated at document exrate, not payment exrate |
ordered_total_ex_tax | CURRENCY | |
ordered_total_incl_tax | CURRENCY | |
invoiced_total_ex_tax | CURRENCY | |
invoiced_total_incl_tax | CURRENCY | |
credited_total_ex_tax | CURRENCY | |
credited_total_incl_tax | CURRENCY | |
paid_total | CURRENCY | This includes tax |
deposits_total | CURRENCY | This includes tax |
deposits_applied | CURRENCY | This includes tax |
refunded_total | CURRENCY | include tax |
received_total_ex_tax | CURRENCY | Received and Put Away |
never_to_be_received_total_ex_tax | CURRENCY | If PO is marked as received, this is what was cancelled |
shipping_company_name | PLAIN | |
shipping_addr1 | PLAIN | |
shipping_addr2 | PLAIN | |
shipping_postalcode | PLAIN | |
shipping_region | PLAIN | |
shipping_town | PLAIN | |
shipping_country | PLAIN |
Table name: purchase_order_lines
Table description: PO lines includng draft and not yet invoiced POs
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
order_guid | PLAIN | |
order_reference | PLAIN | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
line_type | PLAIN | |
comment | PLAIN | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
description | PLAIN | |
order_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
unit_price_before_discount | CURRENCY | unit price before row discount, document currency |
unit_price_net | CURRENCY | Unit price with tax removed, even if tax inclusive, document currency |
unit_tax | CURRENCY | unit tax, document currency |
unit_price_before_discount_base_cur | CURRENCY | unit price before row discount, base currency |
unit_price_net_base_cur | CURRENCY | Net unit price in base currency |
document_exrate | DECIMAL_NUMBER | From PO Header |
document_currency | PLAIN | |
base_currency | PLAIN | |
line_total | CURRENCY | Line total, document currency. Includes tax if order is tax inclusive |
line_tax_total | CURRENCY | Line tax total, document currency |
line_total_base_cur | CURRENCY | Line total, base currency. Includes tax if order is tax inclusive |
line_tax_total_base_cur | CURRENCY | Line tax total, base currency |
line_tax_rule | PLAIN |
Table name: purchases_fact
Table description: based on authorised PO invoice lines
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
order_guid | PLAIN | links to dear_po_header table |
source_dear | PLAIN | links to Dear company name |
document_modified | DATE | |
supplier_guid | PLAIN | |
order_date | DATE | A Date field with no timezone, date when PO was created |
transaction_date | DATE | Invoice data, a Date field with no timezone |
inv_due_date | DATE | Invoice due date, a Date with no timezone |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
comment | PLAIN | |
line_description | PLAIN | |
document_exrate | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
document_currency | PLAIN | |
base_currency | PLAIN | |
invoice_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | qty associated with revenue, such as invoice or credit note |
movement_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | quantity associated with stock movement, >0 for receipt |
transaction_type | PLAIN | |
order_reference | PLAIN | |
global_purchase_status | PLAIN | Refer to Dear API documentation |
order_number | PLAIN | |
invoice_number | PLAIN | |
discount_percentage | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Percentage discount |
unit_before_discount | CURRENCY | in document currency |
unit_net | CURRENCY | Unit price with tax removed, even if tax inclusive, document currency |
unit_tax | CURRENCY | unit tax, document currency |
warehouse | PLAIN | location from PO header |
account | PLAIN | |
cogs_account | PLAIN | |
attribute1 | PLAIN | |
attribute2 | PLAIN | |
attribute3 | PLAIN | |
attribute4 | PLAIN | |
attribute5 | PLAIN | |
attribute6 | PLAIN | |
attribute7 | PLAIN | |
attribute8 | PLAIN | |
attribute9 | PLAIN | |
attribute10 | PLAIN | |
year_month_currency | PLAIN | Used to find average monthly exrate |
line_invoice | CURRENCY | Line total, document currency. Always without tax, even if the order is tax inclusive |
line_tax | CURRENCY | Tax in the line, document currency |
line_invoice_base_currency | CURRENCY | Line total, base currency. Always without tax, even if the order is tax inclusive |
line_tax_base_currency | CURRENCY | Tax in the line, base currency |
Table name: purchase_order_payments
Table description: Payments relating to POs, including deposits and invoice payments
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
order_guid | PLAIN | |
order_reference | PLAIN | |
doc_guid | PLAIN | GUID of the Task, ie the Invoice or Credit Note |
doc_number | PLAIN | Document number of the Task, ie the Invoice or Credit Note |
payment_guid | PLAIN | |
payment_type | PLAIN | Prepayment,InvoicePayment,Refund |
payment_reference | PLAIN | |
payment_amount | CURRENCY | |
payment_date | DATE | Payment date, no timezone |
payment_account | PLAIN | |
payment_currency | PLAIN | |
base_currency | PLAIN | |
payment_exrate | DECIMAL_NUMBER |
Table name: purchases_lines_lifecycle
Table description: Shows the status of a PO line (what's been invoiced, received etc)
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
order_guid | PLAIN | |
order_reference | PLAIN | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
line_type | PLAIN | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
sku | PLAIN | |
ordered_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | In the case of a Blind Receipt, this is the invoice qty |
received_and_putaway_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Total received or putaway |
not_yet_received_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Qty which has not been received or putaway, that is, stock which has not arrived at all |
never_to_be_received_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | If an order is marked as Received, then this is the quantity ordered but which is now cancelled |
invoiced_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
credited_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
returned_qty | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
avg_unit_price_base | CURRENCY | |
ordered_basecur | CURRENCY | |
received_and_putaway_basecur | CURRENCY | |
not_yet_received_basecur | CURRENCY | |
never_to_be_received_basecur | CURRENCY | |
invoiced_basecur | CURRENCY | |
credited_basecur | CURRENCY | |
returned_basecur | CURRENCY |
Table name: avg_ex_rate
Table description: Monthly average exchanges rates from the ECB. Can be used to support data from different Dear instances in difference base currencies
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
year_month_currency | PLAIN | |
in_reporting_currency | CURRENCY | Historical monthly average exchange rate from ECB, multiple from currency by this to get to reporting currency |
value_date | DATE | Always 15th of the month |
from_currency | PLAIN |
Table name: shippit_transactions
Table description: This table supports Shippit transactional data, but this must be separately enabled.
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
order_guid | NUMBER | |
store | PLAIN | |
shippit_reference | PLAIN | |
receiver_name | PLAIN | |
recipient_contact_number | PLAIN | |
recipient_email | PLAIN | |
carrier | PLAIN | |
manifest_id | PLAIN | |
carrier_job_id | PLAIN | |
retailer_invoice | PLAIN | |
destination_address | PLAIN | |
destination_suburb | PLAIN | |
destination_postcode | PLAIN | |
destination_state | PLAIN | |
destination_country | PLAIN | |
destination_latitude | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
destination_longitude | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
special_instructions | PLAIN | |
atl | PLAIN | |
shipping_price | CURRENCY | |
billed_by | PLAIN | |
count | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
length | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
width | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
depth | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
weight | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
current_state | PLAIN | |
delivery_country_code | PLAIN | |
service_level | PLAIN | |
last_update | DATE | |
order_placed | DATE | |
despatch_in_progress | DATE | |
ready_for_pickup | DATE | |
in_transit | DATE | |
with_driver | DATE | |
delivery_attempted | DATE | |
awaiting_collection | DATE | |
completed | DATE | |
expected_delivery_date | DATE | |
carrier_quotes | PLAIN | |
rating | PLAIN | |
comment | PLAIN | |
case | PLAIN |
Table name: table_update_status
Table description: During a data update with the Zoho connector, this table will show that a data update is in progress
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
zoho_table_name | PLAIN | |
comment | PLAIN | |
time_of_comment_utc | DATE | |
schema_version | NUMBER | Reserved for future use |
Table name: threepl_stock_analysis
Table description: Stores information about the stock levels of 3PLs. The table is unique by source_dear, stock_date, dear_location_od and product_guid
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
three_pl_name | PLAIN | |
dear_location_guid | PLAIN | |
threepl_location_name | PLAIN | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
stock_date | DATE | This is the date when the report is run. |
dear_timestamp | DATE | time when the Dear stock level was recorded |
dear_stock_oh | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Dear Stock On Hand |
threepl_timestamp | DATE | time when the 3PL stock level was recorded |
threepl_stock_oh | DECIMAL_NUMBER | 3PL Stock On Hand |
dear_available | DECIMAL_NUMBER | Dear Available stock |
threepl_available | DECIMAL_NUMBER | 3PL Available stock |
comment | PLAIN |
Table name: dear_stock_transfer_header
Table description: Stock Transfer
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
task_guid | PLAIN | |
from_location | PLAIN | |
from_location_bin | PLAIN | |
to_location | PLAIN | |
to_location_bin | PLAIN | |
status | PLAIN | |
number | PLAIN | |
cost_distribution_type | PLAIN | |
in_transit_account | PLAIN | |
departure_date | DATE | |
completion_date | DATE | |
required_by_date | DATE | |
reference | PLAIN | |
skip_order | BOOLEAN | |
document_modified | DATE |
Table name: dear_stock_transfer_lines
Table description: Stock Transfer Lines
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
id | AUTO_NUMBER | |
source_dear | PLAIN | |
task_guid | PLAIN | |
product_guid | PLAIN | |
quantity_on_hand | DECIMAL_NUMBER | before transfer |
quantity_available | DECIMAL_NUMBER | before transfer |
transfer_quantity | DECIMAL_NUMBER | |
batch_sn | PLAIN | |
expiry_date | DATE | |
comments | PLAIN | |
document_modified | DATE |